The First Light
God created light on Day 1 but did not create the sun until Day 4. Theologians have discussed and debated this conundrum for centuries. Personally, I've always considered the light to be the Glory of God bestowed upon the Heaven and Earth He created. I can't claim this to be the definitive answer. Many greater minds than I have provided different interpretations. You may find it helpful to explore a range of different perspectives in this article provided by Answers in Genesis using the link below.
Day One as God Created it
Genesis Study: Lesson 4
In this lesson we will delve into the mystery of a day without the sun to divide day and night. God divides the light from darkness and calls the light day and the darkness night. He declares that evening and morning are the first day. I can't comprehend a day and a night, or an evening and a morning that are not punctuated by what we call the rising and setting of the sun. Despite the fact that neither you or I have ever experienced this kind of day, it seems that God created such a day. If you used the 'more info' link above you'll be aware that theologians throughout the ages have debated and deliberated on the nature of that first day. I can't add any more clarity other than to share the truth of scripture. God tells us that day and night, evening and morning were created before He created the sun to divide day and night as we experience it. Read on to delve into the mystery of God's Word.
When Light Became Day
Scripture & Verse
Why not take a moment to ponder the scrolling slides below that tell us more about the light and darkness that we experienced. I've placed a few of my favourites below. Thank you for reading along with me!